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Reduce Carbon Footprint

This is determined by the size of the inverter and the amount of space available on your roof. You could expand the size of your system if you have enough roof space and more inverter capacity. You might also install a second system on your roof. Please note that at this moment, each state’s solar Feed-in Tariffs impose size restrictions on the systems that qualify. Increases in the size of an existing solar power installation may influence your Feed-in Tariff eligibility. For more information, please contact us.
In the case of a blackout, your solar panel system will shut down if it is connected to the grid. This is to ensure that emergency responders and energy utility workers are not injured as a result of your panels returning power to the grid. However, when used in conjunction with a battery, certain inverters can offer backup power in the event of a blackout.

At any time, you can inspect your solar power installation. The majority of inverters come with a built-in display that displays you how much electricity your system is producing in real time. The majority of systems will provide you with historical statistics on how your system has performed over time. If your solar inverter is wi-fi enabled, you can monitor its operation using a mobile web application.

Examining your utility electricity bill is the simplest approach to determine how much you pay for electricity (and how much electricity you consume every month). You can also call us for help reading your power statement to figure out exactly what you use, need, and need to search for.

Without knowing the size of the solar power system, it’s difficult to estimate the average installation time. The larger the system, the longer it takes to install. Let’s look at a 5kW system, which takes about 3-5 hours from start to finish.

  • Reduce electricity bills, increase savings and combat rising electricity costs
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Government solar rebate scheme
  • Feed in tariff
  • Improve the value of property
  • Renewable energy source
  • Decrease the carbon footprint
  • Provides energy security

According to Australian standards of sunshine hours, the average payback period of a conventional solar power system for a residential customer may vary from 3.5 to 5 years depending upon the usage pattern of individual consumer. More the consumption from solar energy, better the payback period.

Manufacturers warranties on solar panels & inverters still holds good even if the solar service provider is out of business.

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Let us analyse your electricity bills to find the best solar panels and system for your household or business. Call 1300  or use the button below to request a call back from one of our friendly consultants for an obligation-free chat.